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The origins of dance are in Africa.

There are descriptions of fertility, marriage and birth dances of the Pygmies, demonstrating that the mobility of the pelvis plays an important role in the dance. By the pygmies, who came as slaves to the court of the Pharaohs, the dance figures spread to Egypt. The Pharaohs liked the fertility dances, the dance figures were taken, so that developed its own form of dance in ancient Egypt it.

The oriental dance was but probably danced not only in Egypt. On more than 3,000 year-old Egyptian sandstone reliefs in Sakkara, dancers are presented with a pelvic thrust. At that time experienced the Sumerian empire flourished. In Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates, the cult of the goddess Ishtar was created (other spellings are Ishtar or Ishtar). As the cult of the goddess quickly spread throughout the Near East, it is conceivable that the representations to the Egyptian sandstone reliefs have a connection to dances related to the Ishtarkult. It could be that in these scenes fertility dances are also shown.

Currently the World Exposition in Chicago (USA) in 1893, the relatively unknown dancer "Little Egypt" for the first time showed oriental dances before an international audience. During this period of the late 19th century was the showing of a bared belly, as well as showing a foot or uncovered hands and arms, socially sanctioned. The dances of Little Egypt, which occurred later in burlesque performances in the US, despite or perhaps because of the display usually covered body parts were a sensation. Officially the dance and the dancer just indignant attention has been paid, although her name, as well as some photographs of various dancers who also "Little Egypt" called themselves known until today.

Hollywood: Egypt has a strong film industry today, and 1920 and 1950 were booming film between productions and performances

Known and famous dancers of the Cairo style, outside of Egypt, Gamal Samia include, Tahia Carioca, Naima Akef and later Nagua Fouad. Suher Zaki or Fifi Abdo, translated in oriental dance also high standards, which are not only in the Arab world application and imitation.

In Egypt and the Arab world, especially from about 1980 to the present, the dance has the status of an upscale entertainment Art

With the development of oriental dance for show and stage dance, which is in addition to traditional forms, elements of classical ballet were integrated. The expanded the spectrum of dance and allow especially space-reaching movements that utilize the stage and led to more elegance and lightness. Simultaneously, the dance loses some of its erotic charisma

Significant influences gave Mahmoud Reda, who was one of the founders of the Egyptian Dance Theatre and with his dancing and folklore ensemble Reda Troupe brought folk dances on stage.

"Source: belly dance, lifeblood of the Orient, Jean Pütz, Pina Coluccia, Annette Paffrath"

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